Might you know how to search for this string? I have attempted a search with and without spaces. For some reason I cannot search for this string. I have created a script that uses Get-Content, attempts to search the output for the following text within the output for TEST1.doc (password protected), and outputs the search result. TEST2.docx Get-Content output contains no such indications. Using Get-Content, I can see several instances of text indicating password protection for TEST1.docx within Get-Content output. Get-Content output for password protected files created by much earlier versions of Word. Get-Content output for *.doc files' created by Word 365. This is the only indication of encryption that I could find within the This text does not appear within the output for TEST2.doc (not password protected). M i c r o s o f t E n h a n c e d C r y p t o g r a p h i c P r o v i d e r v 1. Using Get-Content, I can see the following text within the output for TEST1.doc (password protected): TEST1.doc and TEST1.docx are both password protected. In my testing using two versions of the script (one doc and one docx, I have created (using Word 365) a total of four (4) files: